Sorry for the lack of updates recently. Following my offer of free portrait sittings, I have been a little snowed under getting prints, frames and canvases ordered.
Just a bit of quick news.. Firstly, my exhibition at Month of Sundaes has come to and end.. For now! Watch this space as plans are under way for a new exhibition there in the coming months.
Secondly, I will have some photos for sale at the Cuckoo Festival in Marsden on the 24th of April alongside some other local photographers.
Finally, one of my photos was selected by the local paper (The Huddersfield Examiner) to feature as a picture of the week recently. It is a shot of Digley Reservoir near Holmfirth, taken from an area of moorland known as Upper Knowl:
There is a slight misquote in the article but hey.. It’s nice to get a bit of free publicity! I have since had the image printed on canvas (16″x12″) and I have to say I’m pretty pleased with it! I will be displaying it in Marsden on the 24th of April but whatever the outcome, I will be getting a copy done for myself!